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Advent Hill is a Christian School that is run by the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Its main focus is presenting Jesus as the center of everthing. The Christian teacher functions in the classroom as God’s minister in the plan of redemption. Therefore, educators in the institution stand at the place of Jesus in the mind of the learners.The words of Jesus: Let the little children come to me are fresh and real within this able institution that is called by God’s name.




The spitual programmes of the school includes:

  1. Bible lessons

  2. Pathfinders/adventurer classses

  3. Coporate and short class devotion

  4. Chapel program every Friday

  5. Week of prayer/camp meeting

  6. Music/elocution for evengelism

  7. Guidance and counselling for character moulding amon others.

Developing learners to their full potential for a life of service in line with the mission of the school is also key. The distinctive characteristics of Adventist education-derived from the Bible and the writings of Ellen G White-point to the redemptive aim of true education: to restore human beings into the image of their Maker.This is realised through outreach programs within the community around us with an objective of presenting the true image of Jesus.

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